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"We are delighted to introduce the Cherwell School Sixth Form. We strive to provide the very best possible environment for our students to thrive academically, socially and as members of our community. We are ambitious for what every student can achieve and we are committed to creating opportunities for all our students to achieve success, both in school and beyond it. It is our privilege to work with such engaged, inspiring and vibrant young people and we are proud to share our Sixth Form community with you.”

Richer Charlotte   Head of Sixth Form

Charlotte Richer,
Head of Sixth Form

The Sixth Form at The Cherwell School, is a vibrant and successful learning environment with over 600 students across Year 12 and Year 13. Students join us from within the school and across the county and abroad. Our students enjoy exceptional teaching across a broad curriculum of subject areas and the academic achievement and progress of our sixth formers is ‘Outstanding’ (Ofsted), with A Level results that place us consistently in England’s top sixth forms in both the state and independent sector.


Students study an academic programme of three A Level subjects and an Extended Project Qualification. Alongside their formal qualifications, students participate in our Social Wellbeing and tutorial programmes and we pride ourselves on the strong system of pastoral support and guidance we offer in the Sixth Form.


We offer a variety of extra-curricular opportunities that provide excellent personal development and make the Sixth Form experience vibrant, inclusive and positive. Underpinned by our school aims of opportunity, responsibility and excellence, we encourage our students to involve themselves in our wider school community, from the creative arts to sport, enterprise to volunteering, mentoring to social events, international trips to virtual talks.


Our Beyond Cherwell programme and award helps students to develop their aspirations, experiences and portfolio to enable their next steps beyond school and we have an excellent track record of supporting students into the most competitive university courses and apprenticeships. We have strong links with local employers through our ‘World of Work’ days and we work in close partnership with universities to develop our academic enrichment and transition work. 

We want them to be happy, to aim high, to be lifelong learners and to be responsible citizens. We pride ourselves on the quality of our teaching, our strong pastoral system and the variety of opportunities for enrichment that we offer. It is the combination of these three areas that make The Cherwell School Sixth Form so special and ‘outstanding’ (Ofsted). 

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